Lindsay provides consultation to screenwriters and authors!
Lindsay provides consultation to screenwriters and authors!
If you have a script, or story, and would like to set up a personal meeting, or if you would like to have Pink Lamb read and consult with you on your script, please contact me.
Lindsay is a professional screenwriter. She currently teaches classes part time at Northern Virginia College and she has worked for years in creative development in Hollywood. Lindsay, a professional screenwriter, can help you to better your story, sell it, or just brain storm with you.
Right now I am running a “Quick Read” special: $50!
Send me a synopsis of 500 words or less, questions, avenue you want to take your story, questions on formatting for a novel or screenplay, and I will email you back with 300-500 words of my thoughts, advice, help. I am a screenwriter, a screenwriting instructor for the college level, and have published a number of books. I have worked in the movie industry for 15 + years and know what it takes to tell a good story. Please note that if you want me to add to your writing, I reserve the right to choose whether or not to be named in writing credits as appropriate. This Quick Read special is only $20 and can guide you quickly in the right direction. Email your material and click on the link below to purchase the Quick Read package! For your convenience, we can also bill you via PayPal.
Prices will vary, so please acquire from within for a full write up...