Hire Pink Lamb to promote or help with marketing a hotel, destination, tour or package... Improve SEO and succeed with marketing and public relations!
A Lifestyle of Travel...
We specialize in short, affordable, travel videos for marketing purposes and to greatly improve your market, public relations and SEO. I have also done travel video blogs and reviews and overviews. I have seen successful marketing results from producing videos for companies, resorts and accommodations in the travel industry. Travel Internet marketing is the fastest growing and most dominant tool used in the travel market today. Without an effective travel video, a hotel or destination may become invisible. My work has been super successful. Not only am I very familiar with video and writing but I worked in the travel industry so I know what is expected and what is successful. I am by far the most affordable video production company in the market. Regardless of me selling you the video it is promoted (free marketing!) on different travel websites and travel social media sites. We are successful with corporate tourism videos as well as independent destinations!
*** Now putting interactive links in your video! You can link a video to a property, a webpage, etc... All while the video is playing!
Click here to see the views that some of our videos are getting, we guarantee at least 1,000 in 2 days of completion! Click Here to see videos go viral!
Travel TV
A recent example that has been successful with SEO
View a reel with some of our professional travel videos, commentary reviews, and clients at our official travel site:
All Corporate, Tourism Videos and Webisodes are promoted through the following sites:
Professional Written Travel Reviews
(Lindsay is also a writer for the National Examiner where all reviews go in print! www.examiner.com/world-travel-insights-in-washington-dc/lindsay-ahart
YouTube is the second most popular search engine on the Internet, where we promote and link back to your destination! We are also part of travel industry social networking at: www.hotelinteractive.com And with Travel Bloggers at: http://www.travelbloggersunite.com/profile/LindsayAhart)
3 out of 4 Internet users watch online videos and 6 out of 10 users take some action after watching an online video ad!
Everyone knows that people do Internet research when planning a trip, and a video review is a great tool to see what you are getting. Pink Lamb knows how to make travel videos that are successful!
Latest webisodes involving travel are available for download at : Download Here
A featured video...
Just visited the King And Prince Resort!
Recent clients:
The Hilton Waikoloa Village, HI, The Portofinio Hotel and Yacht Club, Hotel Giraffe, NYC, The Marriott Waterfront in Annapolis, The Westin, Old Town Alexandria, VA., The Santa Ynez Inn , Marriott Waiohai Beach Club, Kauai , Hotel Monaco Old Town Alexandria, VA